Teeth whitening involves bleaching your teeth to make them lighter, and many patients choose to have teeth whitening after orthodontic treatment to give their smile that finishing touch. At Total Orthodontics, we offer at-home whitening kits, so you can achieve whiter teeth, safely, in the comfort of your home.
There are many benefits to having teeth whitening at Total Orthodontics:
It’s not recommended to whiten your teeth while straightening them, as your teeth will move throughout treatment, giving an uneven result. If you’re wearing a fixed brace, whitening treatment also can’t reach behind the brackets. Waiting until your braces are removed will give you the best results.
You may experience mild sensitivity with teeth whitening, which should ease once you’ve finished treatment. If you do experience sensitivity, try using a sensitive toothpaste. If you’re concerned about discomfort get in touch with your local practice and they’ll be happy to help.
It normally takes around two weeks to see a noticeable change in the colour of your teeth, but you could start to see results after just three days†. If your teeth are very stained or discoloured, it may take longer. Even if you see results sooner than two weeks, it’s important to complete the recommended treatment course.
Using a whitening kit is simple and your orthodontist will give you detailed instructions about how to do this successfully before you start. It involves three simple steps:
After cleaning your teeth at night, apply a small amount of whitening gel to the inner surface of your custom-made bleaching tray
Place the tray into your mouth and wipe a wet piece of cotton wool along your gums to remove any excess whitening gel that may have seeped out
Wear your tray overnight and, in the morning, remove it and clean the inside with water to remove the whitening gel. Repeat this process nightly. Your dentist or orthodontist will tell you how long you should wear your trays for.
‘Over-the-counter’ home whitening kits are readily available online and at high street shops, but you should be aware that these products don’t always work, as they use a significantly lower amount of hydrogen peroxide than is needed to whiten your teeth. Some can also cause permanent damage. We’d always recommend having teeth whitening under the supervision of a dentist.
At your consultation, we will chat through your options and suitability for different teeth straightening treatments.
*Terms and conditions:
1. Free consultations are to discuss options and suitability for treatment. You may require a more in-depth clinical examination or diagnostic tests before treatment options can be discussed. There may be a charge for such examination or test, payable by you. The clinician will discuss this with you before any such examination or test takes place, which may be done during the same appointment as your free consultation.
2. Consultations subject to availability.
3. Free consultations available at participating practices only.
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† Philips data. Zoom 6% Whitening Gel Efficacy Test. Data on file. 2013. †Giniger et al Jada Vol. 136, March 2005 and Li et al Compend Contin Educ Dent. Vol 24(5) May 2003.